Articles on: Creating a Mobimag

How to Brief a Graphic Designer

If you're planning on hiring a graphic designer to create your Mobimag, make sure that you give them a clear and detailed design brief.

Here are some tips on what you should include in your design brief to get the results you want.

Ask your designer to design each page to be 400 pixels wide by however long your page needs to be.

For ease, we suggest they design every section or article as a separate page. This way, after uploading to Mobimag, you can re-order your pages yourself.

For articles, we recommend designers stick to single column layout and add graphic elements every few swipes down to break up the text.

For covers, we again recommend a width of 400 pixels, with a height of 715 pixels. We also recommend a fade to black at the bottom of your cover page.

Once the design is complete, ensure that the text has NOT been converted to outline. Export each page as a separate page at 150 DPI resolution.

Following these steps should ensure that all pages are less than 10MB, which is our maximum file size for pages. If the files are still larger than 10MB, please instruct your designer to compress the PDF further.

Finally, if you wish to add videos to your pages, please click here to visit our support page.

Updated on: 02/02/2021

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